Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bored on a Sunday Afternoon

After taking my three hour Sunday nap today, I found myself very bored. I uploaded all my pictures onto Shutterfly that had not previously been added, I checked my grades and fall schedule on the University of Cincinnati website, I checked our bank accounts and I even went back on to Shutterfly and made a Calender that I am sure I will never need or buy. After a couple of hours I found myself on the Crayola website. Don't ask me how I got there, but for anyone interested (which I am very sure you are...) I was able to name 41 of the 64 colors in a Crayola Crayon box correctly on my first try. Oh, to be a child again coloring the pages of a Strawberry Shortcake coloring book with my Macaroni and Cheese crayon in one hand and a Blue Violet in the other.

Maybe next Sunday when I am bored I will find something more profitable to do with my time such as perusing the Business Section of the New York Times, but I am sure I will end up finding myself at 10pm on Ebaum's World or checking up on my fall semester lecturers on

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Horseback Riding in Lovelock, Nevada

My sister Coni Jo and I have gone horseback riding three times in the past two days. We have had such a great time, and I even had a true cowgirl moment when we went searching for a lost bull on the farm, but we never found him.
I have woken up this morning with sore muscles I didn't even know existed. I can't wait until I too can have a horse to call my own and maybe I can ask Santa for a pony this Christmas. It has been so much fun riding the past few days and of course the scenery isn't bad to look at with mountains all around. I truly miss the mountains, but I will keep the greenery in Cincinnati for now. This was a great shot to see who had the better behind...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jessica and Leard Mita

Well, I left my husband and made the journey to Lovelock, Nevada last Friday to attend my niece's wedding on her parent's farm. It has been a wonderful weekend so far with a beautiful wedding on Saturday night and Jessica was a gorgeous bride. We worked and cleaned and set up all day long on Saturday and the Wedding and Reception went by so fast, but it was all worth it.
It has been so wonderful to spend time with my sister who lives so far away and getting a chance see how much all of my nieces and nephews have grown.

I will be sure to post more pictures of Nevada, because it is truly a beautiful place!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Blogging Address!!

For everyone who checks out our blog - all twelve of you that is... We have changed our blog address from to

We hope there aren't any problems with accessing our new blog!!