So, it's official. Michael has decided to accept his admission into the UCLA Graduate School of Architecture Program, and needless to say I am anxious, excited and scared all at the same time. We still have a lot to do before moving out to LA is August, such as graduate from University of Cincinnati in June, sell the house, pack up everything and find a new home, but we are excited to do something new and exciting. We will surely miss Ohio and all that Cincinnati has to offer, but I think the trade off for wonderful weather all year round will be alright, not to mention the proximity to the beaches and to family back in Utah.
I never would have guessed a few months ago when Michael started applying that we'd actually move to California but Michael is really excited about UCLA's Architecture program and things are going to be great, maybe not the shock of rent being more than double what it is now, but I'm sure we'll be more than happy! Wish us luck and we'll keep you posted on our plans!