Sunday, July 26, 2009

Whip up something Great!

I just had to share this really great website with anyone who is crafty and even for all of you who are just like me and aren't quite so crafty! It's called and is chock full of amazing ideas for lazy day craft making.  It is such a wonderful resource blog that compiles some of the best craft ideas from individual's blogs into one website. I can't wait to move to California and have some spare time to whip up some really great things.  Some ideas I'm excited about making: 

First on my list will be to buy a sewing machine so I can actually make all of these great things!


Reid, Megan, Jackson and Aiva said...

wow that is abitious! I wish I had that drive. I want to want to make things, does that count?

Melissa and Louis said...

I like to shirt. Maybe I should make one.