Because it is officially summer and recommendations abound, I thought I would throw my two cents into the ring and offer up some of my favorite books for the reading pleasure of others. These are the top TEN books I have read this past year, but by no means are these my favorite books of all time, because that would be a whole different post. Let me know if any of you have read these titles and also what you thought of them. Thanks!
#10 Atonement - I especially recommend this novel if you have NEVER seen the movie.
#9 Year of Wonders
#8 Catching Fire - 2nd novel in the Hunger Games trilogy
#7 Life of Pi
#6 The Time-Traveler's Wife
#5 Hunger Games - such a page-turner, I think I read this book and it's second in the series in 3 days
# 4 Charlie and The Chocolate Factory - Oh, how I love Roald Dahl!
#3 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
#2 The Road - another page-turner! So incredibly well-written and I can't wait to read other books by Cormac McCarthy
#1 To Kill a Mockingbird*
By the way, I highly recommend the website I love keeping up with all the books that I read on it as well as keeping track of those that I want to read in the future. It has great features and allows you to add your virtual bookshelf to your blog as well as "friend" others on the site to keep up with great book recommendations. If you join, you will have to "friend" me on it. Happy Reading!
*Definitely now one of my favorite books of all-time